February 17, 2011

Under the Weather

It has been a very long couple of weeks around here. My family has been passing around a nasty virus, and guess whose turn it is now? Yep. Not fun. I haven’t been up to doing any of the great projects I had planned for the month. I guess that’s just the way it goes sometimes…

The weather has been so nice here the last few days, but since I’m not able to get out there and enjoy it, I’ve been consoling myself with pictures instead. I love the bright, fresh, cheerful colors. A nice reminder that Spring is getting ready for its turn.

Everyday would feel like Spring waking up in one of these bedrooms...

I could do a lot of cooking in one of these beautiful kitchens.....

Isn't this the most cheerful workspace?

Wonderfully colorful family spaces.....

Take care, stay well, and I’ll be back soon….

All photos courtesy of Real Simple


  1. lovely images, Amy. My fav is the home office. Hugs

  2. Love all of those rooms, so refreshing and beautiful! I love that first bedroom! I hope that you feel better soon and no one else gets sick again! This stuff is yuck!!

  3. We are at -20 today with the windchill. It was great to pop over here and see these colorful photos and feel uplifted and a little warmer.
    I think a pretty vase of tulips is on my upcoming list of things to do. Something uplifting.
    I think we were sick for the better part of January and some of Feb as well. Hang in there!

  4. Wow, lots of inspiration here! I love that white desk in the office. That would work so well for my sewing machine :)


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