April 6, 2011

Command Central Gallery Wall

Last week, in an attempt to clear out the loft  for its transformation into a craft room, (read about it here) I found the inspiration I needed to complete a mini-makeover on another area of our house.  I love when that happens!  The area I refer to is actually the staircase wall where Hubs and I set up a little "Command Central" when we moved in several months ago.  We needed somewhere to plunk down the laptop, mail, keys, etc, and this wall; with its close proximity to the kitchen; seemed like a perfect spot. We found a great little desk that fit the space, bought it, and moved it in. It has been serving its purpose just fine, but, as you can see in the before pictures, its not very nice to look at. 

While unpacking boxes in the loft, I found all of the pictures I used for a collage over the bed in our previous house (you can read about that here) and that became the inspiration I needed to get "Command Central" prettied up a bit. You know how I like pretty.

So, with several hours of work, a couple of cans of spray paint, and a few nails, "Command Central" went from this:

To this:

As you can see, I only ended up using a couple of those pictures from the previous collage, along with some other random things that were not being utilized elsewhere.  I had picked up this wall organizer at Target in the clearance section, but it was painted black, and I wanted it to be white....so out came the spray paint. 

Then I painted a garage sale picture frame (Sorry, no before pictures!), and added a piece of masonite, cut to fit and painted with chalkboard paint.

Using tension rods, I hung a fabric skirt that I sewed to hide computer and phone cords from view.  (More on the table skirt in a future post!)

Next, I pulled this garage sale shelf out of its original packaging and put it together. 

Then I laid everything out on the floor, found an arrangement I liked, then transferred the items to the wall.

Next, for the finishing touches, I gathered up some accessories from my "hoarding closet" and sprinkled them about. 

And there you have it... Command Central is organized (and pretty!).

 One more project complete!  Now back to the craft room makeover.....

Until Next Time,

*This post was shared with the awesome sites listed on my "Linky Parties" tab at the top of my blog as well as with The Inspired Room's Gallery Wall Party.... (head on over to see some great gallery ideas).

* Check out: http://www.bystephanielynn.com/2011/04/sunday-showcase-party-with-barn-owl.html?showComment=1302444720555#c3648165616543073713  for an awesome giveaway!


  1. Hi Amy,
    I am popping over from the Gallery Wall party. I love seeing your work. (Mine is #10.)


    Gg - Notes on the Journey

    ps. Wow ~ what a beautiful use of a rather small space.

  2. Great job Amy. Organized. Easy on the eye. Budget friendly. I like it!

    Romantic Domestic

  3. This looks great! I love how it uses a normally unused spot in a house for a perfect function! Looks beautiful too!

  4. Nicely done!
    Looks like a lovely corner to stop and organise yourselves. Do like that fan coral, that is beautiful

  5. What a great use of space! Pretty AND practical - two of my favorite things. :-)

  6. I agree with Jenny, above, pretty and practical are THE BEST COMBO!! Love it!! Thanks for linking up to the party!!!

  7. Hi- I'm visiting from the Gallery Wall party...Wow! It looks great! I'm not usually a skirted table kind of girl- but what a difference it makes! It all looks so cozy and very functional! Thanks for sharing!


  8. Saying hi from wuw :)
    Now that is an entrance! What a transformation, great first impression to the home x

  9. What a super cute space! You did such a wonderful job!!

  10. I'm visiting from Melissa's Party, too--and I LOVE your space! It is so charming! I'm going to come back tomorrow and "go exploring" (follow your links.) Thanks for sharing. You've given me some ideas!

  11. I love what you did withthis space! I wouldn't cahnge a thing! Over from Catch a glimpse Party!

  12. what a LOVELY transformation! you've done so much with such a small space - i love it. :)

    visiting from the gallery party:



  13. This looks great. I love the use of the space. Neat ideas with the storage too.

  14. I just found your blog and am your newest follower. This wall display and desk skirt is AMAZING! You are one talented woman who has definitely got a creative flair that I envy! Thanks for creating such a fab blog full of inspiration.

  15. This is so darling! This wall is screaming inspiration. I love all the different textures. I am your newest follower! Come on over and see what I do at fineandhandy.blogspot.com

  16. Charming and functional too! Love the change. Great job & thanks for sharing the inspiration :)

  17. Love all the vintage touches. You did good! I'm here from Kim's party and I'm your newest follower.

  18. Absolutely love it! We have very similar tastes!


  19. Your new command central looks awesome. I'm very impressed. I love your blog. I am your latest follower. I would love for you to come and check out my blog and follow me back at www.diybydesign.blogspot.com. Thanks so much.

  20. Coming over from the Gallery Party and Melissa's tweet about you! I LOVE IT! I need to do this...although mine will need to be more childproof. That's the challenge isn't it? You can check me out at www.funkyfaithgirl.com
    I'm following you now to see your room transformations....I'm also working on a craft "room". :)

  21. It's GORGEOUS!! Doesn't that feel great to see how it comes together and now I am sure you wonder why you didn't do it earlier. I have WAY to many projects like that, but you have inspired me to get it done.

  22. This turned out fabulous, Amy! I love the charming, cottagey look to it! Great idea to add the skirt - those wires and things always take away from the look of room when they are exposed. Love the chalkboard and all the other gallery wall items. Great job!

    Visiting from Frugalicious Friday.

  23. It looks wonderful. What a great idea and I love all the accessories. Perfect. Hugs, Marty

  24. Holy smokes! This is the most AMAZING space! I love contrast and texture of the black board and baskets. The softness of the skirt. Oh...swooon! I'd be thrilled to have you link this to my VIP party today! http://designergarden.blogspot.com/2011/04/vip-party-10.html

  25. Thanks for linking this up Amy! I'm also a new follower =)

  26. Love the space...it turned out great!! Love the chalkboard and the desk...very pretty!!

  27. SO beautiful. You have such beautiful style.

    Thanks for sharing,
    Cha Cha

  28. Wow!
    I'm totally amazed Amy, love, love, love the look!
    It is so good to see you've been doing some fun stuff since you moved, I'm glad I popped in here and you really inspire me to get going on some projects around here.
    Keep it up Amy you've got a beautiful imagination and quite a talent for pulling things together.
    Love you!

  29. Suh-weet! You took a spot that normally would just be a traffic area and made it purdy!

    I gotta get me one of those "hoarder's closets"...

    Very inspiring job!

    I stopped by from Funky Junk's Saturday Nite Special - have a blessed weekend!


  30. Hi Amy! This turned out amazing!! I love you command central! :) I love how you arranged everything and it looks like a wonderful spot to sit and blog. :)

  31. This is just the prettiest thing I have ever seen!


  32. I love your look! It really is fun and inspiring!! I'm your newest follower!

  33. over from tatortotsandjello. that is so cute! i have almost the same spot in my home, who knew it could look so cute!

  34. I love this! I have been suffering over how to handle the space along side my staircase and I think this will do the trick. Beautiful!

  35. Fantastic, looks like something out of a magazine!

  36. I love the transformation and am a new follower I just can't wait to see what you do next!

  37. LOVE this!...glad I found your blog...I'm now following...come on over and visit me..and follow along...I think you will like it..Mariaelena

  38. Looks cute! I love how you used the glass jars for storing those random office supplies :) Going to start following along with this blog and see what other great inspiration I find!

    Michelle @ FTSN

  39. Charming and GREAT use of space!!

    :D Lynda

  40. Wow! What a lovely transformation. Love what you've done with it! Well done.

  41. wow...this turned out just fabulous....your after shot drew me in instantly & I'm so glad to have found ya!

    off to explore more of your blog!


  42. this looks so great! i'm inspired!

  43. Seriously awesome! So useful, creative, and pretty too! "Hoarding Closet"? I need one. My junk is strewn all over the house and I can never find it when I need it. One hoarding closet to keep it all together would be fab! Great job!


  44. What a gorgeous command center! It's not just functional, but it's a calming space! LOVE IT!

  45. I LOVE this! What a functional, beautiful space you've created! *Becca*


  46. It's perfect! i love your area that you found for yourself - all the cute details to store your goodies & organize yourself. Just did a den makeover myself & see you've given me more inspiration and creative ideas to add to mine....love this! xoox, tracie

  47. I love your space, so pretty!!! We just finished a wall as well..so much work.
    Thanks for linking!

  48. Visiting from My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia! Your link caught my eye for 1. because the space you created is gorgeous and 2. because I'm in the beginning phase of creating a similar space in our home... http://coolhomecreations.blogspot.com/2011/04/restoring-wood-finishes-desk.html

    Any ideas for my space?

    Thanks for sharing!

  49. Visiting from My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia!

    Your link caught my eye for 1. because the space you created is gorgeous and 2. I'm in the beginning phase of creating a similar space...

    Any ideas for me?

    Thanks for sharing!

  50. that nook looks awesome! i love how you have everything set up, and the desk skirt! i hopped over from uncommon slice. :)

  51. Just jumped over from uncommon slice of suburbia. Wow what a great use of space... I love it. You have such an eye for detail.

  52. I LOVE it!! So much beauty in a small, functional space. I'm your newest follower!
    Laurie :)

  53. What a great space you've created! I really like the desk and the skirt. The off center chalkboard is perfect! Great re-vamp! I love that you have a "hoarding closet" LOL I'm not alone!
    Take care!

  54. wow what a great makeover! I think it has come together just nicely! Love it!

  55. It looks so great! I love the skirt around the desk and the picture frame turned chalkboard. Your newest Follower...hope you can visit me sometime soon.

  56. Love love love! So much inspiration here. Thanks for sharing your design project. Robyn

  57. LOOKS great! Awesome use of a space that might have otherwise gone underutilized!

  58. Looks just great...so many wonderful ideas!
    Thanks for sharing!!

  59. Wow, this is just gorgeous, love the colours, the pictures, the spot, just a gorgeous job. Thanks for the inspiration, will get to work on my command station real soon

  60. This is so pretty! I featured you today in a round-up of great command centers. http://www.imperfecthomemaking.com/2011/10/organizedhome-day-17-command-centers.html

  61. Hi...
    Thanks for this wonderful post.Admiring the time and effort you put into your blog and detailed information.
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  62. I really like it, that corner looks so stylish now! Just recived a link to your blog, and I'm following :-))

  63. Very pretty! I love that you showed the before picture... that's how most of the house looks before it gets some love. Why be frustrated looking at a crappy space when you can be loving life with organization?!


I'd love to hear your comments!